2023 Winter Conference
Thursday, March 2nd - Queensbury Hotel, Glens Falls, NY
The Future of Papermaking
Our 2023 conference will focus on important industry trends including data analytics, eliminating PFAS chemicals, quality management system enhancement, all capped off with a timely & powerful roundtable discussion about attracting & retaining new employees. In addition to these important topics the conference will feature a tabletop exhibit area where our loyal suppliers will showcase their new products. As we have in the past, paper mill and converting employees may attend the conference free of charge, but we do ask that you register in advance. Lunch is included with your registration.
Suppliers - please contact Susan Sargeant for exhibitor and sponsorship availability.
Conference Program
8:00 am Registration, Continental Breakfast, Exhibit Open
9:00 am Welcome: Susan Sargeant, Chair Empire State TAPPI-PIMA
9:00 AM - Digitalization of Pulp & Paper, Honeywell
10:00 AM - Benefits of Process Data Analysis in a Recycled Minimill, K.J. Rajan
11:00 AM - Eliminating PFAS Chemicals From The Papermaking Process, James Fogg, Solenis
Lunch - Exhibit Open
1:15 PM - How To Get The Most From Your Quality Management System, Beth Arthur, Knowlton Technologies LLC
2:00P - 4:00 PM - Round Table - Instilling Pride in Papermaking; Recruiting & Retaining Employees
Round Table Participants;
Tony Ouellette, Director, Manufacturing Strategy and Customer Solutions, SAPPI NA
Rachel Corr, Process Engineer & Liz DeAvila, Manufacturing Engineer - both young professionals at Mohawk Paper
Beth Arthur, Operations Excellence Manager, Knowlton Technologies LLC
Dolph Beyer, Senior VP NY Operations, Guy Cappuccio, Customer Technical Services Manager and Sean Reilly, Waterford Mill Manager, Mohawk Paper
Larry Anker, Director Commercial Operation, Solenis
TAPPI's aim is to promote research and education, and to arrange for the collection, dissemination and interchange of technical concepts and information in fields of interest to its members. TAPPI is not intended to, and may not, play any role in the competitive decisions of its members or their employer, or in any way restrict competition among companies.